Created By : Ms Maseera Fatima
Campaign Goal ₹ 51,000
Raised Funds ₹ .00
Raised funds can feed 0 children/year
Start Date:Apr 29, 2024
End Date: May 07, 2024
Note: Rs. 1500 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
Join me in my mission to contribute in nourishing the future generation! Akshaya Patra is a dedicated initiative unyielding in its efforts to enrich children's nutrition. In a society where adequate nutrition is inaccessible for the marginalised, this initiative has inspired me to start my Fundraising campaign: Khaan-Daan. Khaan-Daan aims to tackle the pressing issue of malnutrition in children especially in lone mother households. The poverty rate among households headed by single mothers in India is 38% as compared to 22.6% seen in dual parent households. The provision of Midday Meals is not only addressing the immediate nutritional requirements among children but also, it naturally fosters resilience and empowerment for marginalised women. When these women are supported through the nourishment of their children, they are empowered to break the cycle of poverty and build better lives for their families.
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