Akshaya Patra a technological innovation for a better tomorrow': CNN-IBN

Akshaya Patra a technological innovation for a better tomorrow': CNN-IBN

  • May, 8 2014
  • 2 minutes read

As part of an episodic show presented by Infosys in association with CNN-IBN, The Akshaya Patra Foundation was featured on television last Saturday. The show titled 'Innovating for a Better Tomorrow' features entrepreneurs, who with their ideas and creations have placed India on the innovation map. The programme has given Akshaya Patra the opportunity to share a platform with technological giants like Brahmos Aerospace and Narayan Hrudayalaya.


The broadcast programme included a virtual tour of Akshaya Patra's operations and an understanding of its mission through an interview with Madhu Pandit Dasa, Chairman of the Foundation. In the interview, he highlighted two looming ailments in our society— hunger and illiteracy. Talking about the idea behind the organisation, he said, "A good meal is closely related to paying attention. If a child is distracted due to hunger, he or she will not be able to concentrate or absorb whatever is being taught in class." He also explained about the driving force that keeps Akshaya Patra going every day. "What inspires us, is the remaining several million children in our country who are yet to be reached," he said. 

Technology has been a great blessing to make feeding 1.3 million children every school day, a possibility. The Akshaya Patra Centralised Kitchens have implemented huge machinery like the roti maker that is capable of making over 40,000 rotis per hour; or the heat-insulated vehicles that are specially designed to ensure that the food remains hot and fresh even after it is delivered to schools. The Akshaya Patra kitchens are also implementing waste management. 

Highlighting the technological strategy adopted at the organisation, Madhu Pandit Dasa said, "To bring in a culture of innovation, we need to adopt technological ideas from the West but use our own resources to localise innovations to address our local needs."

Source: https://www.infosys.com/newsroom/features/pages/innovating-better-tomorrow.aspx

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